Where do I park?

This can be a bit tricky unless you’re familiar with the area. A helpful parking guide for Chapel Hill is here. In general, street parking is free after 6pm Monday-Saturday, and completely free on Sunday. Keep an eye out for UNC lots that are often free after 6pm as well. There is also a parking deck next to the Hampton Inn in Carrboro that is free and within walking distance to the club. 

Is Local 506 an all ages venue?

Shows are usually all ages, unless otherwise noted in the event description. For all ages shows, there is a $5 surcharge fee for anyone under 21, payable upon entering. You must have a valid ID (Drivers license, passport or state issued ID card) if you are over 21. Surcharge will be collected for anyone without an ID, regardless of the reason. 

Do you serve food? Can I bring food into the 506?

We don’t serve food, but you’re more than welcome to bring food in from other restaurants. Al’s Burger Shack, Italian Pizzeria 3, Carrburritos, Northside District, and Mediterranean Deli are all within walking distance (among others!) and you’re welcome to bring them in and make staff jealous.

Do you take cards at the door? How about the bar?

Day of show ticket and membership sales are cash only at the door. We do have an ATM available in the club, but you can avoid a surcharge if you bring cash ahead of time. The bar, on the other hand does take cards.

Is there seating?

There is some seating against the walls of the showroom, as well as seating at the bar. For the most part, though, we are standing room only unless otherwise noted. 

When do the bands start? What time does the band I want to see go on?

We make a strong effort to start shows at the show time listed on the website. Acts generally play between 30 minutes and hour each, though if you’re worried about missing someone, show up early!

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